Fat Barrel Wine Company: A vintage-looking cover for a travel log, with the title "Travel Log: NYC to CPT" written across a worn leather background. The cover features simple white line drawings of an airplane and a corkscrew, suggesting a journey from New York City to Cape Town, with an emphasis on wine and travel.

A moment of panic set in when the South African Airways pilot announced how long the flight was to Cape Verde.   

Cape Verde, I thought – what is that – where is that – I am going to Cape Town!  

“Excuse me, sir, I need to get off this plane because I am supposed to go to Cape Town…what do I do?”

“Relax young man, it’s OK,” the distinguished gentleman beside me said,  “You’re on the right plane…we must just stop for petrol.” 

Petrol, who is that?”, I asked, and he burst out laughing and said –

“Fuel, young man, just fuel” …” Stop your worrying, you’re in the right spot to go to Cape Town…my name is Joe …what’s yours?”,  he said, offering his hand.

Twenty-three hours after nervously boarding that big South African Airways 747, I was awoken by my new friend, who said, “Have a look at that…”  

As I leaned over to peer out the window, I was rewarded with my first view of Table Mountain. I looked back at Joe, rather speechless…he looked directly into my eyes and said, “Welcome to South Africa.”

Fat Barrel Wine Company: A sepia-toned photograph taken from an airplane window, showing the wing of the plane with a view of the landscape below. The scene captures the excitement and anticipation of arriving at a new destination, with the horizon stretching out in the distance.

Twenty minutes later we landed.  The pilot asked that everyone stay seated, saying, “We have had a very special guest on our flight today.  Our Minister of Housing, Mr. Joe Slovo has flown with us. The Minister’s security detail has requested everyone keep their seat to allow Minister Slovo to exit the aircraft first.”  

Taking his bag from the overhead bin, he said, “Enjoy your time in South Africa and good luck to you”.  Then my flying friend was gone.

After 24 hours of travel, you were exhausted. All I could think about was taking a shower as I prayed to see my luggage on the baggage carousel. “Shew” … there was my trunk, which had my special socks and hats…

I had arranged for some South African Rands before I left New York City, and so off I went with my trunk in tow to find a taxi.  I had booked some place called the Eendracht Hotel, on a street called Dorp Street (sounded like Dork to me…) in someplace called Stellenbosch, just outside Cape Town. 

During the 45-minute ride, the taxi driver kept asking if I knew of the famous rock star Rodreguiz.  

“Who?” I asked.

“Rodriguez, he is like Micheal Jackson” replied the driver, “super-famous…we love him here…do you know his music?”  

What planet have I landed on!? I thought to myself.

Finally, the driver said, “This is Dorp Street.”

Moments later, “Welcome to the Eendracht”, I heard in a very cool accent, “Can I take your trunk?  My name is Carlos.  If you want a beer there is a pub right across the street”, he said, all with his very cool accent.

“Maybe later, right now, I want to shower and change my socks…”


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What are some popular travel destinations in South Africa?
  • What is the climate like in South Africa?
    • It varies by region. Cape Town has a Mediterranean climate with wet winters and dry summers. The rest of the country generally has a more temperate climate, but it can vary significantly from one area to another with more inland areas being prone to rain and storms.
  • How can I find information about the South African government?
  • What are some key historical events in South African history?
  • Key historical events include the end of apartheid, the election of Nelson Mandela as the first black president, and the country’s subsequent growth as a democratic nation. Cape Town was also home to the hospital where the first-ever heart transplant occurred.
  • What are the main languages spoken in South Africa?
    • South Africa is a multilingual country with 11 official languages. The most widely spoken languages include Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, and English.
  • What is the historic significance of Cape Town?
    • Cape Town is one of South Africa’s oldest and largest major cities, known for its cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and as a hub for business and tourism. It is the most diverse cultural community in South Africa, boasting a broad range of cultures, foods, and people from across the world. It is also home to Table Mountain, one of the 8 natural wonders of the world.
  • How does South Africa handle changes in climate?
    • South Africa is actively working on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. This includes investing in renewable energy, conservation efforts, and implementing policies to reduce carbon emissions.
  • How do I contact the South African embassy in my country?
    • You can contact the South African embassy by visiting their website for contact details or by using the international contact directory.
  • Which news networks are trustworthy in South Africa?

Some of the top media outlets in South Africa include News24, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), and Independent Online (IOL).